UN: Half the global workforce set to loose livelihoods - thats 1.6 Billion people
Don't just talk about it - take some action!
Here is a letter in word format that you can download and and use as basis for a letter to your MP or other political representative:
The …
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Euromomo advise that the latest figures may not be reliable and should be treated with caution. However, so far so good for their less stringent lockdown policy according to the Oxford University Coronavirus Government Response Tracker
An excellent analysis of Sweden has been written up at the www …
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In the last release of mortality statistics from the ONS (data to 2014-04-03) showed a sudden increase in deaths. Unsurprisingly, many of the excess deaths are attributed to COVID-19, about 3,000. What was very surprising is that,compared to the five year average, 2,500 additional non-Covid deaths occurred …
more ...The need for public scrutiny of government policy has never been greater, but there’s less tolerance for dissent than usual. Anyone questioning Professor Ferguson's Imperial College analysis is likely to be met with howls of disdain.
The COVID-19 Response Team led by Professor Neil Ferguson, has been a major influence on UK Government COVID-19 policies.
By early April 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had infected nearly one million people and had spread to nearly all countries worldwide. It is essential to understand where and …
more ...An academic paper from 2020-04-15 models various scenarios to investigate time-dependent strategies of handling the epidemic taking into account the needs of the elderly and those with special medical conditions. Main findings include:
Thinking about the current COVID-19 pandemic and what policies we should ask governments to pursue is not a simple problem. It involves lots of big numbers and trade-offs over time. These are things that we are not instinctively good at.
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