Cruise ships and lifeboats Why are we so divided?

How did covid split similar people into diametrically opposing camps?


In the 2003 documentary the Fog of War [1], former US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara distils the lessons from the disastrous Vietnam War into eleven basic tenets. His rule number one: Empathise with your enemy.

Without sufficient empathy, you …

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Straw Poll: Creeping polarisation - Again!

Opinions on Government responses to Covid-19 are highly critical - there may be some softening of this but it is accompanies by a slight increase of those who think the government is corrupt. We may be looking at a gradual polarisation of opinion regards the government's stance on Covid.

This gradual …

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Straw Poll: Creeping polarisation

Opinions on Government responses to Covid-19 are highly critical - there may be some softening of this but it is accompanies by a slight increase of those who think the government is corrupt. We may be looking at a gradual polarisation of opinion regards the government's stance on Covid.

Respondents to …

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Do Lockdowns Work? The Literature

Below are a number of published papers finding that lockdowns had little or no efficacy (despite unconscionable harms) along with a key quote or two from each:


This article is based on a collation initially done by twitter user @the_brumby



“there is no evidence that more restrictive nonpharmaceutical interventions …

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Straw Poll: Corruption vs Incompetence

Opinions on Government responses to Covid-19 are highly critical.

Respondents to this straw poll were asked to indicate their estimation of what friends, family and workmates thought of the Government's handling of the coronavirus. Here are the results for the UK respondents:


Below are the response options A to E …

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