Opinions on Government responses to Covid-19 are highly critical.
Respondents to this straw poll were asked to indicate their estimation of what friends, family and workmates thought of the Government's handling of the coronavirus. Here are the results for the UK respondents:

Below are the response options A to E. Respondents were able to choose multiple selections, in which case their "score" was divided across the selected options:

The conclusions that can be drawn from a straw poll are limited due to the sample size and the inevitable selection bias that results from participants self-selected via twitter. However, by asking the same question hundreds people each month in the same way, it is is indicative if a trend becomes evident.
Here are the results for the question "Which of the following represents YOUR opinion?"
Respondents answering with "E"(Government is corrupt) has increased while "D" has declined (Government has got everything wrong). When reporting on how they think other view Covid there is a trend in the opposite direction, fewer opinions allocated to "D" and more to "E" (Govt doing OK in the circumstances).
Respondents, whether reporting on their own opinions or on those of others, whether answering for the UK or for the "rest of the world", in all categories, the most popular response in both groups this month was again D, that "The Govt. and their experts have got the whole Covid topic completely and utterly wrong with a disastrous blanket lockdown"
Covid vaccinations
An additional question this month asked people their views on covid vaccines. 78% don't believe in the vaccine with more than half that group believing the vaccines should not be used. Only 8% believe covid vaccines will be effective medical interventions, The results are shown here:
- Previous straw poll results can be found here